Wind farm cuts off eagle’s wing – Fieldsports News, 5 May 2021

Here are the links:
Sea eagle dies after collision with wind turbine – Facebook
National Trust’s ban on muirburn ‘worsened Marsden Moor blaze’ – The Times
Cops called in after bird nest chainsaw massacre – Facebook
Gun licences to record all gun part serial numbers – UK government media release
Kent hunt sab fined – Countryside Alliance
Credit card payment system shuns shooting range – shooting ground website
South Africa animal rights supporters call for lion cull – South African government PDF
SCI board member gets kicked off Instagram – Instagram
Namibia hunter puts West’s hunting bans into perspective – Fieldsports News
US wildlife worker catches 100-year-old fish – YouTube
China restarts hunting and shooting
Otter enjoys lavish koi banquet in Edinburgh pond – Metro

To watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 597, visit

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