Paul Cox: Devon & Cornwall gun grab victim

by Deborah Hadfield and Charlie Jacoby 

Paul Cox is a respected member of his community, a deerstalker and captain of the local shoot. Devon & Cornwall Constabulary are treating him like a criminal, sending armed officers to his house in darkness to grab back his guns, revoke his certificate and not give him a reason why.
The reason, however, is clear. The Home Office is about to blame Devon & Cornwall for failures that led to the mass shooting in Plymouth in August.

The police action against lawful shooters – and Paul Cox is not the only one – is a petty attempt by Devon & Cornwall to make it appear they are a functioning licensing authority. To shooters, it doesn’t look like that.

Even the letter of revocation the police sent Paul (below) includes repeated paragraphs over its two pages. It’s as if someone at police headquarters dropped a pile of revocation letters, put them back together in the wrong order without checking them and handed them to armed police to take to certificate holders’ homes.

Paul’s case is going to appeal. He has launched a GoFundMe page and, thanks to the generosity of his friends and Fieldsports Channel viewers, he has raised £850 towards the cost of his appeal.

More of our Devon & Cornwall police gun grab coverage:​​

Police grab air rifles from pest controller and charge him

Professional pest controller Daniel Maddock has lost the tools of his trade and denied, for the moment at least, permission to own another. After applying for a firearms certificate in January 2024, because his boss wanted him to start taking on deer management jobs, he had a home visit by two officers from Police Scotland. He thought they were there to assess his security. Instead, they had come to charge him for ‘lying’ on his medical records.

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