Pointless council trailhunting bans – Fieldsports News, 23 December 2020

Here are the links:
Council trailhunting bans are ‘sad’ not ‘landmark’ – Fieldsports News
Celebrity dog owners attack BBC over ‘puppy farming’ documentary – Pink News
Antis urge royals to stop gameshooting at Sandringham – BASC
Farmer banned from Tiktok over dead pheasant video – Twitter
Sabs shocked by young shooters – Facebook
Denmark digging up millions of mink after botched cull – Bloomberg
Hunt trumpeting recognised as Intangible Cultural Heritage – RTBF
Safari Club International Hyland Erickson co-founder dies – Facebook
Pythonburgers could hit Florida restaurants – CNN

▶ To watch all of FieldsportsBritain, episode 578, visit Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain578


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