Paul Childerley tests Zeiss SFL 10×40 binoculars

Paul Childerley is a professional deer manager at home in Bedfordshire, so when he went staking red stags in Scotland he knew what he needed from his kit. He chose to carry the Zeiss SFL 10×40 binoculars, for their great performance-to-weight ratio – the SFL stands for SmartFocus Lightweight. “They are really compact and lightweight,” […]
Zeiss V8 2.8-20×56 riflescope tested on the hill in Scotland

When you’re stalking red stags on the hill in Scotland, you want gear that performs impeccably in any conditions, and is light to carry. That’s why professional deer manager Paul Childerley chose to take the Zeiss V8 2.8-20×56 scope on his Sako rifle. “It’s a no-brainer,” he says. “It’s a product that’s been tried and […]
Is it time to switch to a thermal riflescope? Many shooters have adopted thermal technology for spotting, but still have a night vision or day-night scope on the rifle. With practice, it can be an efficient combination, allowing you to find your quarry easily with the thermal spotter, then take the shot with night vision. In the early days of thermal, when it […]
Human cost of bird flu by Deborah Hadfield Kevin and Val Russell run Hawkstone Falconry in Yorkshire. With the bird flu outbreak following two years of covid, businesses such as theirs are struggling. For Val, the issue is made worse as her work was a lifeline after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Working with the birds boosted her […]
Paul’s Highland stalk of a lifetime Paul Childerley has the stag stalking outing of his life – a dream come true. He is going up the hill in the Highlands of Scotland in the most traditional manner possible. It’s the red rut and the stags are holding hinds in this part of Inverness-shire. Tweeds, two-draw scopes and a garron pony […]
Fieldsports Britain – dream stag stalking Paul heads up the hill for the stalk of his life. He is in Scotland for the red rut, and he is out to try stag stalking that includes not just the standard Scottish package of fabulous scenery and superb professional stalkers. This time, he gets to use a garron pony to bring his […]
No 10 welcomes shooting supporter – Fieldsports News, 26 October 2022 Here are the links: UK welcomes grouse-shooting prime minister – Countryside Alliance RSPB fresh attack on gamebird releasing – BASC Scottish Hunting With Dogs bill attacked – YouTube Anti claims of ‘hunt havoc’ rubbished – Somerset Live NHS wild venison trial extended – Daily Mail + Countryside Alliance British Shooting’s first #TargetChange days – […]