Katie Hargreaves goes deerstalking with Paul Childerley. What’s unusual is that Katie is a vegan. She sees sustainable hunting as part of her veganism.
Paul and Katie are out after Chinese water deer in Bedfordshire. Katie is also a wildlife artist, drawing her inspiration from deer and other animals. Here are some of her works:
See more of Katie’s work at KatieHargreavesArt.com
To go shooting with Paul, visit Instagram.com/paulchilderley or Facebook.com/childerleysporting
Plus Paul says why he likes the Shooterking iHeat vest. It’s a warm top with a built-in thermostat that maintains a temperature between 30 and 53 degrees C, which you set using an app:
For more about the iHeat vest, go to Shooterking.co.uk/shop/iheat-vest