What is Emberleaf?

Emberleaf knives have been featured in episodes on Fieldsports Channel since 2017, showcasing high-end craftsmanship that not only looks pleasing but also performs exactly how it should. The business, which opened its doors in 2011, prides itself on making the finest contemporary handmade knives. It also offers a professional tool sharpening service in the Sussex […]
Behind the scenes foxing with Roy – what goes on behind the camera

At Fieldsports Channel we try to give a professional and educational outlook on all things conservation and hunting, whether that is new technology or pests that need taking care of on a farm. But, what is it really like being at the forefront of these films? In the latest episode we are with a Fieldsports Channel […]
PETA’s new anti-hunting campaign goes wrong

PETA has launched a new anti-hunting campaign that is going viral, but not in the way it wants. The American anti-hunting organisation came up with the overlay ‘Shoot Selfies not animals’ for its supporters to put on top of their profile photos on Facebook. They have also been producing t-shirts bearing the slogan. Hunters all […]
British Army sends super tracker to hunt poachers
The British army is sending a ‘super tracker’ to Gabon to help the government tackle elephant poachers. Corporal Gyanendra Rai of the First Battalion the Royal Gurkha Rifles is among those mentoring local guides on anti-poaching techniques. He is one of a group of 16 sent from the 2 Rifles infantry battalion. The central African […]
Fieldsports Britain – Half Cut Foxing

The trouble with foxshooting at this time of year is when farmers are cutting late. Fields are grown up and disguise the animals just when they are easiest to shoot, as this year’s young are starting to move around independently. Roy rises to the challenge and gives us a short, sharp foxing expedition. There is […]
On Test: Crosman air pistols

We ask a couple of kids to tear themselves away from Minecraft to take up shooting. They try out Crosman air pistols, including the PFM16 and The Iceman, and give their verdict. For more on Crosman air pistols, visit www.a-s-i.co.uk This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 405. To watch the whole show […]
How to sharpen your knife with leather – Stropping

You have used a stone to get your knife sharp. Now it’s time to turn to leather for the finishing de-burring. It’s the difference between a blade and a razor. For more from Emberleaf, go to www.emberleaf.com This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 405. To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain405
How shoots protect against bird flu

What are the risks of an avian influenza outbreak in the UK? And what can shoots and shoot owners do about it? We ask a top gamebird vet and we talk to a shoot that has found an insurance policy to protect it. For ShootProtect bird flu insurance, visit www.shootprotect.co.uk To contact Alan Beynon, visit […]
Foxshooting in August

Roy Lupton is out after foxes in August. With the harvest just over, he wants to call in the foxes that have recently been disguised by crops. For more films from Roy, go to www.fieldsportschannel.tv/category/films-with-some-of-our-best-know-faces/roy-lupton/ This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 405. To watch the whole show go to Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain405