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Saudi Arabia is mad about falcon racing – so much so they’ve built a huge stadium to host it in the middle of the desert. We join a GB falcon racing team as they put on an exhibition event showing off a new style of simulated hunt racing, developed in the UK by Dr. Nick Fox OBE. Using a drone in the shape of a prey bird the falcons climb up to 120 metres then stoop and dive to try and catch the drone as the pilot tries to keep it just out of reach of the talons. Their agility and speed is unmatched in the animal kingdom. Watch them strike out thanks to a camera attached to the drone. Plus get a better understanding of how passionate the Saudi falconers are about their birds and their sport. There’s big money prizes and a huge closing ceremony hosted by HRH Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif Alsaud.

Saudi Falcon Club 

Vowley Falcon Racing 

Click here to watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 690

More falconry here:

Saudi falcon racing Saudi Arabia is mad about falcon racing – so much so they’ve built a huge stadium to host it in the middle of the

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