Big game

Barefoot buffalo hunt

The culmination of the week-long Cape buffalo course at the Northern Cape Professional Hunting School is a hunt. The students take turns to be professional

How to call in rutting moose

Swedish Lapland still has wild places, and that’s where Paul Childerley is headed with his guide Robert Magnstrom. We first met Robert when he took

Injured buffalo charges hunter

Explosive action as British big game hunter Paul Childerley hunts buffalo in the Mozambique bush. He finds out about poaching, poisoning and just how dangerous

How to save rhinos

by Charlie Jacoby It’s dark. The baby rhino is in the South African savannah with her mother. Dawn is coming. She has survived the night

How to make bearskins worn by guardsmen

The British Army tried fake fur, but it was useless. Wellington Barracks-based military tailor Jonathan Macintyre explains where the bearskin caps work by guardsmen come

British bowhunters abroad

Gary Rawlings takes his sport to South Africa. He is a British bowhunter – which is a banned sport in the UK, so he goes

Boris Johnson’s hunting ban

UK prime minister Boris Johnson plans hunting bans that threaten all shooting sports. His first move, with DEFRA minister, animal rights activist and fellow old

Majestic Swedish Moose Hunt

Tim Pilbeam is on the hunt of a lifetime. He is after Swedish elk, doing it with some of Sweden’s leading elk experts, a helicopter,

Tahr Meat Hunt

New Zealand has a pest problem. Happily, they are both a sporting shot and delicious. Niall Rowantree goes to a farm to help deal with


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