There are wildlife winners in Africa and wildlife losers. The wildlife winners are the countries that promote hunting. The wildlife losers, where animals are being slaughtered to extinction, are the countries where hunting is banned. Charlie Jacoby talks to some of the big noises behind big game hunting in Africa, as they appeal to MEPs in the European Parliament to leave them alone.
Featured in this film:
▶ HE Prof Kaire Mbuende, Namibian Ambassador to the EU
▶ Maxi Pia Louis, Director of NACSO
▶ Mpho Tjiane, Deputy Director, CITES Policy Development and Implementation, Biodiversity and Conservation, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate, South Africa
▶ Rose Mandisodza-Chikerema, Chief Ecologist with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority
▶ Willy Pabst, landowner, Zimbabwe
▶ Karl-Heinz Florenz MEP
▶ The conference was sponsored by The conference was sponsored by SCI, CIC, FACE, and ELO
▶ For the whole Botswana film, go to:
This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 433. To watch the whole show go to
Script consultant for this film: Jens Ulrik Høgh