Deer Act shake-up horror for Scottish sporting estates

Stalking deer for sport in Scotland could be very different in a couple of years time: you may need a licence, you may be able to use a shotgun and night vision as well as a rifle, there could be yet another massive reduction in deer numbers and, if you are a landowner, you may […]
English government plans lead cartridge ban

England’s government is considering a lead ban. That’s despite a voluntary phase-out by 2025 promised by shooting and countryside organisations last year. According to The Daily Telegraph, the Environment Agency doesn’t think the phase-out is moving quickly enough. According to a media release, the agency and the Health and Safety Executive will spend the next […]
Buddhists try to shut down rifle range by Ben O’Rourke “Change is possible for every single one of us,” says a quote on the Facebook page of Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche, abbot of Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery in Eskdalemuir. The compound has been there since the 1960s, just before the CIA stopped backing the Dalai Lama and America’s China strategy turned […]
Roe, rifles and reloading Mark Singlehurst spent lockdown opening a gunshop after covid pressed the pause button on his catering business. It has already had a run of successes holding reloading courses and has become a magnet for rifleshooters – both deerstalkers and foxshooters – in the Vale of Belvoir where it is located and beyond. He talks […]
Venison from field to fork Do you fancy a culinary outing after Chinese water deer? They are said to be one of the best venisons available. Chef Pascal thinks so, and that’s why is out stalking one with Paul Childerley – and then cooking it afterwards. The menu For more from Chef Pascal, go to Paul on […]
Fieldsports Britain – top chef’s hunt-and-feast We’re after deer with a carving knife in this week’s episode. Chef Pascal wants to shoot and cook a Chinese water deer, and he goes out with deer manager Paul Childerley to do just that. Meanwhile, Fieldsports Nation member Mark Singlehurst has had to pause his catering business during lockdown and, instead, has opened […]
Scottish deer law shake-up – Fieldsports News, 24 March 2021 Here are the links: Scottish government review plans Deer Act reforms – Fieldsports News English government plans lead cartridge ban – Fieldsports News Packham accuses gamekeepers of ‘hare genocide’ – Fieldsports News Huntsmen cleared of illegal fox chase charges – Devon Live Cops seize dozens of dogs from suspected pet thieves in Suffolk – […]
GRS Hunter Light rifle stock – review GRS have forged a great reputation among rifle shooters worldwide for their CNC machined, hand finished rifle stocks. GRS stocks are renowned for their design and ergonomics. As GRS’s Oscar Haugen puts it, “We make people shoot more accurately because the rifles fit them better.” Ryan Charlton, from GRS UK distributor Highland Outdoors, is […]
MDT XRS Chassis crossover rifle stock – review A modern precision rifle chassis system offers the ultimate in accuracy, but it might be a step too far for the traditionally minded rifle shooter who wants the fit and feel of a ‘proper’ rifle stock. That’s where the MDT XRS Chassis System fits in. It’s a hybrid system that’s got all the features […]
Why do shotgun barrels wear out?

It’s a surprisingly common problem for shotgun shooters. They look down the barrels and see wear and pitting, and assume they have worn the barrels out with the number of shots they’ve fired. Maybe they even blame steel shot for causing the wear. But they’re wrong. Matt Simpson, of Simpson Brothers Gun Shop near Peterborough, […]