Roe, rainbows and Paul’s tale of a tick 🪲 on his tackle Paul’s out stalking with Mark Bellamy in Wiltshire. The pair of them start by showing they are not flyfishers. However, they prove they certainly Paul’s out stalking with Mark Bellamy in Wiltshire. The pair of them start by showing they are not flyfishers. However, they prove they certainly Roy Lupton is stalking roebuck during one of the most magical times of the year: the roebuck rut. He sees animal after animal and The ‘Kilted Chef’ Craig Wilson and deerstalking guide Milton Ferguson have got together to raise money for the Children’s Heart Unit Fund. First-time stalker Young pro stalker Ruby Lewis takes old hand Paul Childerley out after a roebuck. It lands Paul with a dilemma. Â For more from Cai Ap Bryn is out after a roebuck or two for the freezer. He is catering for lots of weddings this summer. And those Niall Rowantree and Dr Cathy Mayne go hindstalking with heavy hearts. They have to help bring down deer numbers so that Scottish landowners can
Imagine an extra aisle in your local supermarket. Instead of plastic-packed meat in chillers, it’s a woodland ride with deer browsing along it. That’s how Helen Tinner continues her mission to eat every kind of venison that the UK has to offer. Today, it’s fallow. She uses a left-handed Helen Tinner continues her mission to eat her way through the UK’s deer species. This time, she is after a roe doe for the You want a healthy herd of deer, in numbers that don’t cause environmental damage, and visible enough to admire in Scotland’s beautiful Highlands? Apparently, Roy Lupton is out on a ‘deer move day’ in the South of England. He is also out on an ordinary stalking day. So, Reece Hepburn stalks roe deer on 1,000 acres on the banks of the River Tweed. He is a chef, too, and has an excellent When Cai goes stalking, he’s like a walking gunshop. On a fallow stalk in Sussex, he loads up with gear and talks us through How close are you to bringing home a deer for dinner? Helen Tinner does it, stalking a Chinese water deer on the Norfolk Broads More and more people are heading into the countryside with professional guides in order to shoot themselves a deer for dinner. We follow photographer Katie Hargeaves used to stick to a plant-based diet. Then she discovered venison – wild, sustainable, low food miles, and she is entirely in Tim Pilbeam has a new toy – and he tries it out on fallow deer. Swarovski has brought out a new super-scope. The dS It’s a Sussex deerstalking and foxshooting outing with a difference. Most Russian hunting YouTubers produce films about hunting in Russia. Not Alex Vankov. He Jason Doyle is out after a fallow buck in Yorkshire. He explains his stalking technique, and when and why he puts a shot under It’s the fallow rut and Roy is out twice with his rifle. It’s a good time to see and maybe to take the big
How do you whistle in a sika stag? It’s the sika rut in North-West Scotland. Deer manager John Dodd takes two guests out to stalk Towering hills, roaring stags, wily hinds: Mark Karn won’t be defeated. Leica’s UK sports optics boss is after a stag during the rut on Ollie Williams has a magical wildlife moment with a roe doe on an outing stalking bucks. Click here for more from Ollie Tim Pilbeam is on an 80-acre smallholding that’s surrounded by woodland. He has counted 250 fallow deer on the ground. the trick is to Paul takes a snap shot on a roebuck – then goes into full CSI mode to track it down. For the Sako S20, go Roy Lupton takes deerstalking buddy Carlos Carubia out to watch the greatest show in the English countryside: the roe deer rut. Roy calls in Roy Lupton takes his rifle to a wildlife-rich environment in the south-east of England. It is the roebuck rut, and his first job is Swarovski binoculars are going visionary. The new Swarovski EL Range TA binos with Tracking Assistant allow you to ‘paint’ the deer you spot. The When it comes to roe calls, you can go expensive with a buttolo call, or you can go cheap. Deer manager Tom Davies does When a muntjac breaks into Paul’s pheasant pen, he knows he has to track it down and shoot it – however fast it is Scottish deerstalker Sergio Couto specialises in shooting with iron sights. Paul Childerley enters into the spirit of it by using an Aimpoint sight on Ollie Williams is stalking cull roebucks and Tom Davies is shooting foxes. They both need their thermal spotters and, this week, they are splurging Home counties deer manager Paul Childerley is trying out his .22-250 on roebuck, rabbits and crows. He is in Scotland with Sergio Couto, where Home counties deer manager Paul Childerley is on his first roestalking trip north of the Border. He is in Aberdeenshire with Sergio Couto of Cai Ap Bryn heads in to Essex woodland after muntjac – but it’s a wood that offers more questions than answers. Why so many Nigel Appleton won a stalking outing with Tom Davies in a competition on Fieldsports Extra. Tom runs Dartmoor Deer Services and takes Nigel to
Charlie Jacoby is out with Mark Reams after fallow deer in Victoria, Australia, on farmland outside Melbourne, and speaks to Simon Toop from Game Victoria. If you have been itching to get out on the roebucks, 1st April is the day you can do it in the UK. Pro
What reaction does Tim Pilbeam get when he shoots deer with non-toxic rounds? Today, he is out after one of the 350 deer he and Cornish deerstalker Ollie Williams has been testing the Seeland Hawker Advance set of jacket and trousers – and he’s impressed. The Hawker Advance jacket Mark Singlehurst spent lockdown opening a gunshop after covid pressed the pause button on his catering business. It has already had a run of Do you fancy a culinary outing after Chinese water deer? They are said to be one of the best venisons available. Chef Pascal thinks Niall Rowantree tours the Highlands to find out how deer and deerstalkers have fared during the year of the pandemic. The answer is not It’s taken four months, but the police have at last agreed that they will bring no charges against the deerstalkers in the Stag-in-Watergate scandal. Tim Pilbeam’s buddy Tristan wants to find out how animals react to being shot. Tristan is measuring cortisol, to see whether different bullets cause Professional deer manager Tom Davies of Dartmoor Deer Services is out to shoot or at least spot three species of deer today. Dartmoor, where Roy has a new toy. Mr Lupton has his hands on the new Leica thermal unit, the Calonox View, and he has an invitation Cai is out deerstalking in the early morning. He has a mission in mind: to take a fallow doe for the freezer and to Shooting deer is hard work. Paul Childerley has his work cut out thinning the various deer species on his ground in Bedfordshire. Paul is
Katie Hargreaves goes deerstalking with Paul Childerley. What’s unusual is that Katie is a vegan. She sees sustainable hunting as part of her veganism.
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