
Wiltshire double roe buck fever Cai Ap Bryn is out after a roebuck or two for the freezer. He is catering for lots of weddings this summer. And those

Helen Tinner’s fallow Helen Tinner continues her mission to eat every kind of venison that the UK has to offer. Today, it’s fallow. She uses a left-handed

Close-quarters sika stags

How do you whistle in a sika stag? It’s the sika rut in North-West Scotland. Deer manager John Dodd takes two guests out to stalk

Snap shot at a buck Paul takes a snap shot on a roebuck – then goes into full CSI mode to track it down. For the Sako S20, go

Fallow buck shot with copper

What reaction does Tim Pilbeam get when he shoots deer with non-toxic rounds? Today, he is out after one of the 350 deer he and

A day in the life of a deer manager Shooting deer is hard work. Paul Childerley has his work cut out thinning the various deer species on his ground in Bedfordshire. Paul is

Vegan tries deerstalking

  Katie Hargreaves goes deerstalking with Paul Childerley. What’s unusual is that Katie is a vegan. She sees sustainable hunting as part of her veganism.


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