hacked – anger and denials

A hacker has stolen information from the market-leading gun sales site The data consists of  names and addresses of  registered users of the site, according to founder Alexander Andover. The data includes no details of guns or whether the users are gun owners.

The names and addresses are now freely downloadable on the website along with instructions on how to popuate Google Maps with the addresses of Guntrader users.  The data includes up to 110,000 FAC and SGC holder names, addresses, phone numbers and emails.

Screenshot of the website where the data is available confirms the story, but emphasises that none of the names are linked to details of guns.

One of the people affected contacted Fieldsports News. He says: “As a longterm FAC and SGC ticket holder, safety and secutirty are absolutely  paramount. I am aware that my details and those of other ticket holders – names, addresses and emails, though no specific info regarding our tickets – are available online.

The story broke on the EnglishShooting Facebook page

“This directly impacts my safety and the safety of those I live with, and I feel that this may be used either by criminals or by those wishing to harm shooting sports in the UK.”

A no-win-no-fee solicitor, CEL, has put up a webpage for those affected by the hack in an effort to drum up business.

The hacker gained access to part of the database via a vulnerability in an old iframe, which was on a client gunshop’s website.

The hack took place on 16 July 2021 and news of it was circulating online within days.

User comment on the website offering a free download of the Guntrader data
Apology email to users issued by founder Alexander Andover
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