Fieldsports News

RSPB hits out at gamekeepers

The RSPB is upping its campaign against grousemoors, moorland gamekeepers and grouseshooters. The conservation work that gamekeepers undertake across the UK is the only barrier

New eagles for Isle of Wight

New eagles for Isle of Wight

Natural England has issued a licence to allow the release of 60 white-tailed eagles on the Isle of Wight. It claims it ‘paid attention’ to

Fieldsports News – Swedish Lamper shoots man

▶ Fieldsports News Swedish lamper shoots man StopTheCull attacks game farms David Attenborough joins salmon campaign Beavers make it to Holyrood Tick-borne

Fieldsports News, 20 March 2019

Animal rights activists drive pheasants out of game farm Grousemoors to blame for killing of hen harriers Packham has a pop at pest controllers Shoot

Otter-proof fence

Otter-proof fence

A carp fishery has spent a six-figure sum putting up two miles of 6ft high fencing to protect its fish from otters, reports The Freshwater

Wolf kills flock of sheep

Wolf kills flock of sheep

French farmers blame wolf attacks for the deaths of a more than 50 sheep and goats in a single night. The attack took place in

Botswana reverses animal rights lunacy

The government in Botswana is considering a substantial reform to the country’s wildlife management policy. Included in the reform is the re-opening of hunting on

Want to be a gamekeeper? Watch YouTube

UK gamekeeping colleges are keeping their students up to date with YouTube channel Fieldsports Channel, which specialises in films about hunting and shooting. A survey

Antis plan hunt ball demos

Where local newspapers used to post details of hunt meets and hunt balls, now they post details of anti-hunt demonstrations. This from the Hastings Independent

Fieldsports News, 13 February 2019

In this week’s bulletin: Packham aims ‘Wild Justice’ at shooters School bows to animal rights death threats Anti hunt extremists turn to dognapping Dog mauls

Dog mauls deer on ski slope

Austria is outraged after a dog mauled a deer on a ski slope. The dog attacked and injured the deer near the village of Ebene

Anti hunt extremists turn to dognapping

Antis are stealing foxhounds and holding them captive. This hound called, appropriately, Drama, was returned to the Crawley & Horsham Hunt after hunt staff reported

New cash record for rare goat

 An American hunter has set a record for a markhor hunt. He paid the highest amount yet paid – US$110,000 – to hunt Pakistan’s

Fieldsports Channel News, 30 January 2019

Fieldsports Channel News, 30 January 2019

In this week’s bulletin: Plus: ▶ Liveline radio show attacks hunter ▶ ‘Persectued’ hen harrier found alive and well ▶ Blaser launches R8 in .22LR ▶ Denmark builds ‘pig-proof’

Hunter attacked on Irish radio

Hunter attacked on Irish radio

Irish radio show hosts have attacked a caller who revealed he enjoys hunting. The consumer watchdog show Liveline encourages callers to complain about poor service.

Shot Show 2019

Shot Show 2019

Charlie Jacoby looks out for new and spectacular hunting and shooting kit at the 2019 ShotShow, including: ▶ Winchester Extreme Point Copper Impact ammunition ▶

Fieldsports News, 10 January 2019

Chris Packham says hunt ban doesn’t work Jeremy Paxman begs Britain to stop buying farmed salmon Gamekeepers clear fly tipping Bereleigh Shoot noise pollution case

Fox smashes up kitchen

Fox smashes up kitchen

A fox went on the rampage in a couple’s home. It left such a mess they thought they had stumbled on a murder scene. Malcom


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