Hovercraft moose hunter wins case
A hunter is allowed to use a hovercraft while hunting moose in Alaska. The US Supreme Court overturned a legal victory by the National Parks
A hunter is allowed to use a hovercraft while hunting moose in Alaska. The US Supreme Court overturned a legal victory by the National Parks
The RSPB is upping its campaign against grousemoors, moorland gamekeepers and grouseshooters. The conservation work that gamekeepers undertake across the UK is the only barrier
Londoners are to be introduced to the joys of ratting via an exhibition. Tiny the Wonder, a champion rat-catching dog in the 19th century, is
A pond in Nottinghamshire has been drained because of the threat posed by goldfish. The goldfish bred and multiplied over the years, after being dumped
Anti grouse-shooters have been whipping up anger in North Yorkshire over a dead buzzard. They shared this X-ray showing metal particles in the buzzard, and
Natural England has issued a licence to allow the release of 60 white-tailed eagles on the Isle of Wight. It claims it ‘paid attention’ to
▶ Fieldsports News Fcha.nl/news Swedish lamper shoots man StopTheCull attacks game farms Fcha.nl/stopthecull David Attenborough joins salmon campaign Fcha.nl/salmon Beavers make it to Holyrood Tick-borne
Sir David Attenborough has joined the campaign to save salmon. The noted naturalist and BBC TV presenter is backing a campaign by Salmon & Trout
Two buzzards got into a tangle – and out of it when they saw a dog, A friend of Fieldsports Channel viewer Nick Tait found
Yorkshire Water is reviewing the future of grouse shooting moors it owns in Calderdale. Following news that the Government now believes the RSPB line that
The League Against Cruel Sports has stopped shooting at a Bettws Hall shoot. The Welsh shoot operator leases the 750-acre estate at Gregynog Hall in
Who is the best air rifle and air pistol shot in the world? The International Shooting Sports Federation found out at the 10-metre championships –
Animal rights activists around the UK are being told: attack game farms. The violent wing of the anti-badger cull movement is run from a Facebook
Animal rights activists drive pheasants out of game farm Grousemoors to blame for killing of hen harriers Packham has a pop at pest controllers Shoot
Masked hunt saboteurs will do anything to get a violent reaction out of people enjoying legal trailhunting. For a similar film, click here. After years
A carp fishery has spent a six-figure sum putting up two miles of 6ft high fencing to protect its fish from otters, reports The Freshwater
French farmers blame wolf attacks for the deaths of a more than 50 sheep and goats in a single night. The attack took place in
George Digweed takes gold at the South African Hunting Route Grand Prix. The competition took place at the Valley Gun Club, 16 to 17 March
In this week’s bulletin: ▶ Moorland gamekeepers get good headlines from report ▶ BBC makes promotional film for hunt saboteurs ▶ Hunt saboteurs ‘turn fox
2019 was a quiet year for product launches at the European gun trade show IWA. Many products had already had their ‘moment in the sun’
News is sponsored by Percussion Percussion-Europe.com ▶ Huntsman trolls sabs with brush ▶ White woodcock ▶ ICTSF World Sporting championships, Co Meath, 3-6 July 2019
Shooting wild boar at close quarters needs quick reactions and a big red dot in your red dot sight. Working with injured wild boar follow-up
Suffer from the cold? Suffer no more, for Harkila is to offer a heated vest. Worn under your jacket, it is battery powered and, crucially,
Launching summer 2019, Hunt Magazine is a new bi-annual publication. In common with many new hunting magazine launches in recent years, it aims to be collectible.
The government in Botswana is considering a substantial reform to the country’s wildlife management policy. Included in the reform is the re-opening of hunting on
UK gamekeeping colleges are keeping their students up to date with YouTube channel Fieldsports Channel, which specialises in films about hunting and shooting. A survey
Probably the maddest horse race in the country, more than 60 horses signed up for the Ledbury Hunt’s Golden Button challenge on Saturday 23 February
Two of Sweden’s biggest food companies have pulled out of a vegetarian food fair. The decision by Ica and Axfood follows news that volunteers at
Where local newspapers used to post details of hunt meets and hunt balls, now they post details of anti-hunt demonstrations. This from the Hastings Independent
In this week’s bulletin: Packham aims ‘Wild Justice’ at shooters School bows to animal rights death threats Anti hunt extremists turn to dognapping Dog mauls
Austria is outraged after a dog mauled a deer on a ski slope. The dog attacked and injured the deer near the village of Ebene
Antis are stealing foxhounds and holding them captive. This hound called, appropriately, Drama, was returned to the Crawley & Horsham Hunt after hunt staff reported
A school in England has cancelled an event with a local hunt after children received death threats from antis. The Leadon Vale Basset Hounds were
Chris Packham is joining the fight against wildlife crime. He has launched a new non-profit company, called Wild Justice, dedicated to bringing wildlife criminals to
In this week’s bulletin: News is sponsored by Percussion For a full news round-up, go to FieldsportsChannel.tv/category/fieldsportsnews
An American hunter has set a record for a markhor hunt. He paid the highest amount yet paid – US$110,000 – to hunt Pakistan’s
In this week’s bulletin: Plus: ▶ Liveline radio show attacks hunter ▶ ‘Persectued’ hen harrier found alive and well ▶ Blaser launches R8 in .22LR ▶ Denmark builds ‘pig-proof’
It has been a bad week for animal rights extremists. One group wants to stop pest control at a supermarket, others are calling for an
Irish radio show hosts have attacked a caller who revealed he enjoys hunting. The consumer watchdog show Liveline encourages callers to complain about poor service.
In the news this week: Packham plans to be rude to royal family British Shooting Schools Pistol Championships BritishShooting.org.uk/article/1554 Shooter anger over bird carcase dumping
Charlie Jacoby looks out for new and spectacular hunting and shooting kit at the 2019 ShotShow, including: ▶ Winchester Extreme Point Copper Impact ammunition ▶
The must-read list of YouTube channels is out. Thanks to the view-counting on YouTube, we now know how many people watch them and where they rank
Shooters are turning on each other over a film showing dumped birds. But Cotesbach Game Farm in Leicestershire, which is the one burying the carcases,
Chris Packham says hunt ban doesn’t work Jeremy Paxman begs Britain to stop buying farmed salmon Gamekeepers clear fly tipping Bereleigh Shoot noise pollution case
A fox went on the rampage in a couple’s home. It left such a mess they thought they had stumbled on a murder scene. Malcom
by Charlie Jacoby You see your animal through your binos, you shoot, it drops out of sight. Now Swarovski has come up with binos that
A 100-year-old rifle and pistol shooting club on England’s south coast is seeking new premises. Fareham Rifle & Pistol Club fought eviction from its base
The Irish government has had to defend a deer cull. More than 30 wild deer from the herd in Dublin’s Phoenix Park were culled in
Using two dogs to hunt foxes is more cruel than using a pack. That’s the advice to the Scottish Government in its own review on
Dallas Safari Club is bumping up its conservation work. During its 2019 convention and expo in Dallas, USA, it brought together a group of top-level
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