Claysports TV

British Open .410 Championship 2023 It’s Battle of the Gamekeepers at the 2023 .410 British Open Championship. Geoff Garrod from Essex goes up against his squad mate Paul Childerley

CPSA looks to drop the pigeon

The Clay Pigeon Shooting Association wants to drop the word “pigeon” in its name, in a bid to “modernise our sport’s brand image in order

English Open Sporting Championship 2022 There’s a surprise winner at High Lodge in Suffolk, where clayshooters gather for the first CPSA Major Sporting Championship of the year, the English

Gold for GB in Junior World Cup

Photo: Karen Norton / Nortonsport The GB Women’s Skeet team won gold at the ISSF Junior World Cup in Suhl. The team of Phoebe Bodley-Scott,

Nominations open for CPSA Awards 2022

CPSA members have until Friday 26 November to nominate individuals and clubs for the association’s annual Awards. Once nominations are in, members will then be

Rizzini BR460 EL Sporter The BR460 EL Sporter is a serious claybusting gun, but also exquisitely made, with woodwork and engraving that lifts it above the run-of-the-mill competition

Gun-Lok shotgun security lock Gun-Lok is a pair of 12-bore sized security locks that fit into the chambers of your gun like snap-caps. A unique key allows you

Sam Green’s shooting basics

World champion shot Sam Green explains how to approach a clay target on a stand, how to work out how to shoot it, what to do with your feet, your body and your gun. It’s the complete package.For more about coaching with Sam Green, go to – and, if you are a member of […]


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