Fieldtester looks deeper, so you choose smarter


Best night vision rifle scope for under £1,000

  Robbie Sheddon of Cluny Country Guns takes us through a selection of night vision and thermal scopes for less than a grand. They are: Yukon Photon RT, £599 Yukon Sightline N450, £759 Yukon Sightline N470, £819 Pulsar Axion Key XM22, £869 Starting off with the Yukon Photon RT: “This


Savage 110 High Country rifle – review

  The Savage Model 110 is the oldest continuously-manufactured bolt-action rifle in the USA. Call something a ‘High Country’ and it means this is a the version that breaks new borders, that’s used by pioneers and true outdoorsmen. North Carolinans have a western part of their state they call the


Princess Diana’s family gun for sale

Do you want to buy Princess Diana’s shotgun? It’s a good quality .410 by Curry of Birmingham and it is up for auction on 8 December 2020. Her family won’t confirm that she used this gun, but the evidence points that way. Boys and girls usually start shooting with a


Shooterking Huntflex jacket and trousers – review

Shooterking’s Huntflex is a range of clothing aimed at most gameshooting and stalking styles. We talk to two professionals about how they use it.   Click here to watch Paul shooting in a Huntflex Winter Skeet Jacket   The Huntflex jackets and trousers range from Shooterking is designed to be


Thermal spotter vs hunting binoculars

  Tim Pilbeam is deerstalking with a difference: he’s fieldtesting for us. What are the best binoculars for hunting? And what should you look for when buying binoculars for hunting? Are thermal binoculars any good? As well as the chance to shoot a doe, he wants to work out when


On test: Rizzini Regal Deluxe shotguns

  Paul Childerley puts the Rizzini Regal Deluxe shotgun through its paces on a driven pheasant shoot at the Mountgarret Shoot in North Yorkshire. Rizzini shotguns suit the birds, which are flying well, and Frank Boddy of Ripley Sporting puts on a lovely, relaxed day. Click here for Rizzini’s UK


GSG Firefly 22 Rimfire Long Barrel Pistol – review

  The closest thing to a tactical handgun that you can buy in the UK, pistol-shooters will say the 22 Rimfire GSG Firefly looks familiar. That’s because it’s almost identical to the Sig Sauer Mosquito. GSG used to make the Mosquito for SIG, which dropped it a few years ago,


Savage 110 Precision Elite rifle – review

  The 110 Precision Elite from Savage Arms is “built from the bottom up for competition use”, says Ben Mcilwaine, a competition rifle shooter sponsored by Edgar Brothers, which imports Savage rifles into the UK. The rifle has an MDT ACC titanium nitride chassis, allowing complete customisation of weight and


Yildiz SPZ ME shotgun – review

  Lightweight but strong and steel-proofed sums up the SPZ ME range by Turkish gunmaker Yildiz. The SPZ ME range of Yildiz shotgun has a growing following among British shooters. In Fieldsports Channel’s research, viewer Paul from the UK rates his SPZ ME five stars for looks, reliability and value


Bushnell Nitro 1800 Laser Rangefinder – review

  Bushnell’s Nitro Laser Range Finder works up to 2,000 yards (with all the upgrades) and is Bluetooth compatible, so you can link it to smartphone apps and ballistics calculators such as Kestrel. Even without upgrades it works to 800 yards. Accuracy is +/- 1 yard. It’s also got built-in


Zoli XL-Evo shotgun – review

  Rob Dunlea-Jones from Edgar Brothers shows us his customised XL-Evo Shotgun from Italian gunmaker Zoli. A lefty, Rob had his stock fitted for him in Italy, so it looks different to other models. But it’s got the same focus on balance. As well as owning his own XL-Evo, Rob’s


Savage B22 – review

  The Savage B22 Precision is the affordable match rimfire rifle for .22LR competitions. It will perform on the range, you can use it for plinking and it’s even an accurate choice for rabbits and other vermin. Its MDT chassis is built from a single piece of aluminium, to make


What is the Nite Stalker package?

  The Nite Stalker package includes any Howa rifle (we show the 20in Varmint rifle with Lightning II stock in our film). It also comes with an ATN 4K day/night scope, Aimsport Triton 50 moderator, bipod and five-shot magazine. Ryan Charlton from distributor Highland Outdoors calls the Howa Nite Stalker


Will steel bust your barrels? – Fieldtester, episode 3

  Some shotguns are steel-proofed, others aren’t, but what happens to your barrels when you put a lot of steel shells through them? In this episode of Fieldtester, we have 10,000 Eley steel carriages to put through a brand new Yildiz SPZME Black Edition 12ga shotgun. Find out what we


How Barnes designs copper bullets for hunting

  With the shift away from lead, Barnes Ammo’s Tipped TSX has become “the bullet of the moment”, according to Raytrade’s Richard Ryan. It’s certainly popular with Fieldsports Channel viewers. The TTSX is the most popular Barnes bullet that Fieldsports Channel viewers buy, according to our rifle ammunition research. The


Härkila Pro Hunter Move hunting jacket – review

Setting your sights on a hunting jacket? Härkila got high marks in our apparel surveys. Most mentioned was the Pro Hunter Move jacket. James from the UK says in our survey that the Pro Hunter is a “pricey jacket but you get what you pay for”. Härkila could still make


Härkila‘s Pro Hunter trousers – review

Pants, breeks, breeches, waterproofs – call them what you want but they’re all trousers. The standout brands in our survey are Deerhunter and Härkila. Deerhunter was the choice of most people, beating Härkila by one vote. But the single most popular design by far was Härkila‘s Pro Hunter. Ian from


Vorn’s Lynx rucksack – review

Our Fieldtester surveys have produced some surprising results. In this case, if you want the best rucksack then you need to join the army. It’s army suruplus rucksacks that win the prize for most popular hunting rucksacks among Fieldsports Channel viewers.   If that’s not an option then don’t worry,


Deerhunter Ram vs Musto Highland Gore-Tex shooting jackets

Deerhunter scored high in our clothing survey, with its products vying for the top spot in several categories. Top manufacturer for jackets is Deerhunter, according to Fieldsports Channel viewers. For shooting, its Ram jackets are in first place, fitting the company’s description as “one of the most well known shooting

top centrefire rifles fieldsports

Best hunting rifles for 2021

What do you shoot? Among Fieldsports Channel viewers, deerstalking is the big one with 38% of you out after deer, followed by 31% of you foxshooters, 15% of you are target shooters, 11% of you shoot wild boar and 5% hunt other overseas big game. There is plenty of overlap


How to build a pigeon hide in a trailer

  Buckinghamshire pigeonshooters Jamie Leggett and Chris Mingo like to do things in style. Over several months, they built a pigeon hide on an old trailer. It is fitted with every mod con, as you can see here. Find out what they consider makes the ideal ‘pigeon hide trailer’.  


Swarovski bets on field of view with NL Pure hunting binoculars

  Swarovski’s new binoculars have an amazing field-of view, great quality glass at an eye-watering £2,370. Tim Pilbeam tries them out as he searches for this year’s best hunting (and fishing) binoculars.   Forget light transmission, forget ease-of-use – they are last year’s optic USPs. Swarovski’s three new binocular launches


Most popular clay guns

  What clay guns do Fieldsports Channel viewers use? There is one clear winner, one runner-up, and viewers vote up several of the smaller shotgun makes for fit, looks, customer service and value for money. First up: 87% of you who shoot clays shoot the sporting disciplines, 22% of you


Best airgun scopes 2020

Back in March 2020, 3,500 of you filled out our survey on what kit you use. Nearly 300 of you told us about your airgun optics, and here are the results. There’s one brand that has half the market.   In third place, it’s MTC, and the model you are


On test: Sako Powerhead Blade

How does Sako’s new Powerhead Blade bullet work on deer? The non-toxic load is a winner on the range and in ballistic gel. Roy Lupton takes it out in the fallow rut in the South of England to try it out on a fallow buck. Find out how he gets


Best hunting knives 2020

 Everyone has an opinion about their knife – not always good. Fieldsports Channel viewers are often critical of their own blades. Perhaps the perfect knife is yet to be made. Lockdown saw you the Fieldsports Channel viewers filling out our survey: 3,500 responses of which 528 were on the


The big ‘green’ shotgun shell test – Fieldtester, episode 2

    This month we go green and test the shotgun shells with the best eco credentials. Presented by David Wright, Jason Doyle and Tim Pilbeam with help from Jack Clutterbuck from Raytrade they examine the top products the manufacturers and distributors have to offer. Is it about steel is


How much is my gun worth? Value my shotgun!

  You want to get a fair price for your gun or sell guns? If you’re thinking of selling your guns, how can you find out how accurate used gun values are? Gunshop owner Dan Pool from Braces of Bristol answers the question, ‘How to value my shotgun’ and explains what


Why you need to clean your rifle sound moderator

  You should clean your rifle moderator every time you shoot your gun, says Robbie Sheddon at Cluny Country Guns. Robbie shows us the results of what happens if you don’t give your gun suppressor or ‘silencer’ a little bit of care and attention. Cluny Country Guns stock lots of


How does steel shot affect shotgun barrels?

  How much does steel shot affect your barrels? We speak to Jack Clutterbuck from Raytrade, UK, importer of Turkish shotgun make Yildiz, about how we need to rethink our relationship with our shotguns. For more, visit:


Best value springer air rifle 2020

  Johnny Muston from gunshop R&K Stockcraft puts his reputation on the line by explaining what he thinks is – pound for pound – the best springer air rifle on the market. Using his years of experience, he chooses the rifle that is the most accurate for under £300. He


Is vegan dogfood good for dogs?

  High-profile dog-owners including F1 driver Lewis Hamilton endorse and feed their pet dogs a vegan diet. So can our domesticated ‘wolves’ do well as herbivores? We ask animal physiologist Dr David Marlin about the nutritional value of vegan dog food. Plus we do a simple taste test between meat,


Best rifle moderators for 2021

Moderators, suppressors, silencers – they are becoming more and more popular worldwide as countries relax their restrictions on them. So which ones are the Fieldsports Channel viewers buying? A massive 3,500 of you responded to our March 2020 survey about kit and 10% of those answered the section on rifle


Torches on test

As tech hits the lamping market, the fox and rabbitshooters who prefer lamping to night vision and thermal now attach torches to their scopes. You find your animal with a handheld torch, and you quickly acquire it in your scope with your rifle-mounted torch. While handheld lamps are still narrow

What does ‘ballistic tip’ mean?

What does ‘ballistic tip’ mean?

  Ballistic is a much over-used word. You may associate it with nuclear weapons. The word is pointlessly used to describe long-range missiles with nuclear warheads. It has nothing to do with the power of the payload. When you use it with the word ‘missile’, ‘ballistic’ means there is a

Why are target bullets longer than hunting bullets?

Why are target bullets longer than hunting bullets?

  What’s the difference between target and hunting rounds? Sako Cartridges’ Aki Suvilahti says the biggest difference is in the manufacturing process. The hollowpoint boat-tail bullets that Sako makes for its hunting cartidges have to be manufactured more precisely than solid target ammunition. “Production consistency is all about accuracy,” he


A simple guide to rifle calibres

  To a non-shooter, all bullets seem the same, but there are hundreds of different calibres out there. ‘Calibre’ is based on (but not always the same as) the diameter of the bullet in millimetres. Are you choosing the right calibre for your shooting? You’ll probably get different answers from


What happens when a rifle cartridge goes bang?

  You pull the trigger – and a lot of chemistry and physics takes place in a split second. Aki Suvilahti from cartridge manufacturer Sako says there are, generally, three different types of primer. For calibres such as .222 and .223, there is ‘small rifle’ primer, which has low energy.

Do you choose slow bullets or ‘hot rounds’?

Do you choose slow bullets or ‘hot rounds’?

  Hot or not? That’s the question Paul Childerley puts to Aki Suvilahti of Sako Cartridges. Paul likes hot rounds in his chosen calibres of .22-50, 70-grain .243 – but like all shooters, he has doubts. “So,” he asks: “lighter bullets, faster charge, is it good or is it bad?”


What is bullet head space?

  If you’re still finding your way around your rifle, you may want to know what ‘head space’ is. Aki Suvilahti from Sako Cartridges explains.   “Head space is a measure, in the rifle, from bolt face to chamber. It is in the part of the chamber that stops the


Best shooting jackets 2020

In March 2020, more than 500 of you filled out our shooting and hunting clothing survey, telling us which jackets and trousers you wear and why you like them. The big prizes are your favourite jackets and trousers. And here are the winners. Top manufacturer for jackets is Deerhunter but

What are bonded bullets?

What are bonded bullets?

  Deer manager Paul Childerley describes what a bonded bullet is good for: “More weight behind it, more stopping power.” Sako’s Aki Suvilahti perfers a more technical definition. “Bonding means that as there is lead core in the bullet, it is chemically fixed to this copper jacket,” he says, referring


Best semi-autos 2020

 Which semi-autos do the Fieldsports Channel audience prefer? We sent out surveys in March 2020 and more than 3,500 of you filled out the questionnaires (it’s as if you had nothing better to do). Of those nearly 500 semi-auto owners responded. The most popular semi-auto among our viewers is,


Rimfire rifles and ammunition: the Ultimate Guide

From Fieldsports Channel’s Fieldtester Scroll down to watch our video reviews of top rimfire rifles The humble rimfire has long been a favourite of farmers, gamekeepers and pest controllers. It’s cheap to shoot, accurate and deadly on pests like rabbits and squirrels. Rimfires are versatile too. Shoot subsonic hollowpoint .22


Best 4×4 vehicles 2020

We tackle vehicles in this survey: the big vehicles you go shooting in, and the little UTVs and quad bikes you use to get around your ground. We carried out this survey in March 2020 when everyone was trapped in lockdown, and 3,500 of you responded. Nearly 400 of you


Copper bullet power and performance

  In the first test of its kind, firearms experts Andrew Venables from and Tim Pilbeam try out nine brands of copper bullets at 100 metres/yards and 250 metres/yards. With more UK venison processors demanding deer are shot with non-toxic bullets, they look at what you can buy in


Mythbusting copper bullets – Fieldtester episode 1

  It’s the first episode of our new monthly Fieldtester kit series, which comes with a whole Fieldtester section of the website devoted to shooting/hunting kit reviews. Visit In this film, Andrew Venables from WMS Firearms Training and Tim Pilbeam conduct the most comprehensive test of copper bullets they



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